Fun, Games and other Stuff



Webmaster's Note

I thought you might enjoy a section devoted to light-hearted things but, before you look at items in this section, please read this disclaimer.

In my professional life (in the IT field) and thereafter, I have come across countless stories, anecdotes and other such "fact filled" emails. I invariably check these out on a few different websites to check their authenticity. A lot of folks think that just because something was sent to them through email that it is always completely factual. I have learned the hard way that this is not always the case.

There are a few websites that I use to check the authenticity of an item. There are others as well but these are the ones that I normally check first:


Truth or Fiction

Urban Legends

So, if something here turns out to be less than factual or accurate, enjoy the story anyway, or ignore it but don't get upset over it.


See where you grew up and more


When you enter an address you will see a picture of that place if available. There's a map with a little man on it which you can move around if necessary.  

Kilroy was here
(Provided courtesy of Norm Robinson)

The accuracy of this story is undetermined.



If you have any similar items that you think our neighbors might enjoy let us know and we may post that information here. Send them to:


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